docker-compose on Fedora CoreOS 17 December 2022·1214 words·6 mins My go-to method for managing containers easily is still docker-compose. It works really well on Fedora CoreOS. 📦
Basic authentication with Traefik on kubernetes 20 April 2022·873 words·5 mins Keep prying eyes away from your sites behind Traefik with basic authentication. 🛃
Encrypted gitops secrets with flux and age 19 April 2022·1628 words·8 mins Store encrypted kubernetes secrets safely in your gitops repository with easy-to-use age encryption. 🔐
Mount NFS shares in kubernetes 8 April 2022·853 words·5 mins Access files over NFS within kubernetes pods with a quick volume mount. 🗄
Monitoring OpenShift cron jobs 18 November 2019·519 words·3 mins Openshift (and Kubernetes) allow you to run jobs on schedule, but these jobs can fail from time to time. You can monitor them from bash!