Monitor CyberPower UPS wattage
Install Chromium with VAAPI on Fedora 30
Customize GNOME from i3
Deploy monit in OpenShift
Get faster GitLab runners with a ramdisk
buildah error: vfs driver does not support overlay.mountopt options
Fedora 30 on Google Compute Engine
Make alt-arrow keys work with terminator and weechat
As I make the move from the world of GNOME to i3, I found myself digging deeper into the terminator preferences to make it work more like gnome-terminal.
Run virsh and access libvirt as a regular user
Libvirt is a handy way to manage containers and virtual machines on various systems. On most distributions, you can only access the libvirt daemon via the root user by default. I’d rather use a regular non-root user to access libvirt and limit that access via groups.
Share a wireless connection via ethernet in GNOME 3.14
There are some situations where you want to do the opposite of creating a wireless hotspot and you want to share a wireless connection to an ethernet connection. For example, if you’re at a hotel that offers only WiFi internet access, you could share that connection to an ethernet switch and plug in more devices. Also, you could get online with your wireless connection and create a small NAT network to test a network device without mangling your home network.